Corteiga tagged me...Ive never done one of these but here I sit at work doing NOTHING, so it comes at a great time!
8 Things I'm passionate about
1. My family - Not to copy
Corteiga, but really, I love my family. My husband is the best, and as a bonus his side of the family are so sweet. I have officially been adopted into their big loving family! And my side of the family is the coolest!
2. Fun- I love do be active and do anything new and entertaining. I
dont know how else to explain it, but I thrive on having fun in whatever form it takes!
3. My Friends - usually they tie into fun and family, but I figured I should add a number for them. I have gotten a new
appreaction for my friends moving to SC, I realize how blessed I am to still feel the love of my great friends even when I am forever away from them. To all of you, I love ya!
4. Eating- Yes I said it, I love eating! mostly I love eating out, because I cant eat at my apartment (it makes me sick). But I LOVE everything about good food, so many good things in life revolve around food.
5. Exercise/Educating people about Exercise- because I love to eat, I am passionate about exercise. I know from looking at me you cant tell, but really I feel like a lazy blob if I
dont exercise. I wish I was better at doing it, but I do alright. Also with my job I LOVE to educate people on how to live a better life with exercise. I feel like I am doing my small part to help those around me.
Scrapbooking/anything crafty- I LOVE my
scrapbooking. If you put me in a scrapbook store I could spend hundreds of dollars! It is my own personal time to tell my life story. It also helps me sit around and feel grateful for my blessings in life.
7. Traveling- I absolutely love going places. Even if it is just a drive a few hours away, I love seeing the world around me. I want to go everywhere and see everything! (no joke! it freaks my hubby out!)
8. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints- cheesy I know, but really I love my church. It has given me everything from my values to my husband. I am so grateful to my Lord and Savior for all they have blessed me with!
8 Words or Phrases I say Often
1. so.....
ok3. anyway
4. Jump on over, jump up here, (instead of step)
5. well
6. Oh my Gosh
7. whatever
8. holy crap, or holy cow
8 Things I want to do Before I Die
1. Get a house and fill it with kids!
2. See everything in the world, but more
exactly I MUST go to Paris! but I want to go all over Europe
3. Parachute
4. be able to say that I have been to all of the 50 states
5. write a book. I
dont know why but I have always wanted to write/publish a book
6. own a mustang. Yes my dream car... the 08 model red with white racing stripes.
7. Meet someone famous like the Prophet.
8. get a master/PHD however far I can get in education
8 Things I Currently Want or Need
2. More
Khakis.... get this, I chose my job because I can wear gym clothes to work every day and they change the dress code after 2 months to wearing
khakis and a polo! LAME
3. I want cute/crafty stuff to fill my new house (that could be mine in a month!) In with that we will need more furniture!
4. a spa/massage day. I dont know why but i have thought about that lots lately.
5.Brown dress shoes.
6. My friends to move to SC so we can see eachother more. Or at the very least visit!
7. A Dog. Yes I want a cute little puppy for the backyard of the house I hope we get!
8. a Sewing machine! I have some crafts I want to do but no machine.
OK I tag Bethany B., Mallory G., Adreinne U., Allie B., and anyone else who needs something to do!!