Friday, November 21, 2008

7 Random Facts about Me

I have been tagged to tell you 7 random facts about me so here it goes!

1. I have an obsession with even numbers. it is extreme, if someone offers me candy and gives me 3 pieces in my head i am screaming take one away or give me one more! Also, i will not have an odd number of children-- like 3 or 5! that just sounds so wrong to me. i need a nice number like 2 or 4 (6 is far too many!) This is kinda related too, but when i chew my food i take turns on the different sides of my mouth. if the last bite went to the right, i make sure the next goes to the left. weird i know but it is just my thing.

2. The sound of people touching their forks/spoons/knives to their teeth make me queezy. That noise seriously makes me cringe even thinking about it.

3. I love to talk to people (family) when I am in the bathroom. This is weird to some people, I had to get Jon used to it when we first got married. He used to come over to me and shut the door while i was mid sentance. It is weird i know, but I guess I figure its just family i dont care. It has made for akward moments for me... like once when my friend Jill was over and I totally walked to the bathroom and caught myself not closing the door while talking to her. luckily for her i caught myself before it got TOO weird.

4. I am freakishly scared of sharks and baracudas, but i LOVE the ocean. I could make a career studying the magestic oceans but some of the things in there scare me to death.

5. My eyebrows. It is a fact that if I dont pluck them once a day I feel like I am growing bushes. Sometimes I try so hard to find something to pluck I hurt myself.

6. I HATE HATE HATE to touch raw chicken. Literally if I touch it while cooking it I wont eat it, but if someone else touches it i love chicken. Jon doesnt get it, but I cant touch it then eat it. It groses me out.

7. I remember song lyrics like crazy. I sometimes test myself and flip stations and try to find a song i DONT know most all the words to.

I tag: Drie, Allie, Mallory, and whoever else....

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