Thursday, December 6, 2012

I love this life!

Do you ever have one of those days where you just feel bliss when you go to sleep thinking about all the good things in your life? I have had that lots lately (mostly ever since we found out we aren't moving yet!). Last night I had one specifically related to my husband. We had a great day together. We spent our evening watching a movie and playing with Abby. While watching the movie we decided we needed some ice cream. Trouble with that was the only ice cream I had was supposed to be for Kate's birthday party Saturday. But in true 'fat kid' fashion we decided that we didn't need ALL of the 2 gallons of ice cream for the party. As Jon was in the kitchen dishing it up he started to make up a song "We don't need to count our calories...HEY! Dietitians! Leave us fat kids alone!" (to the pink floyd, it was pretty funny) We then had a water fight in the kitchen before going to bed. Days like that remind me just how happy the simple things in life make me. I live for days like that! And to top off a great day yesterday Abby let me get 8 straight hours of sleep! Look out world, I am one happy lady today!!


Casi Bludorn said...

I love days like that!

J said...

I can't wait for the day TJ lets me sleep 8 hours straight. Hopefully sooner than later:)
