Friday, March 29, 2013

Hanging out

Kate is loving this weather and her almost complete swing set! She spends so much time outside. I admit, I love it! I am great with her spending large chunks of time outside! Her Kangaroo or baby always accompany her. The cooler and bag of toys comes too. She will literally walk laps around the yard with all her stuff in tow singing and talking.
Today, I am trying to get house sparkly clean for hosting Easter dinner. That always proves a challenge with 2 kids, one who tries to help but makes a mess in the process, and another who cries every time I walk out of a room. Kate came to me and asked if I would put Chance's leash on him. Normally I would probably have said no, but I was desperate for her to entertain herself. I kid you not the girl walked Chance around the yard for more than a half hour! And he obediently followed her around. Too funny. Way to take one for the team Chance!

And just because I adore this outfit, her is little miss. She has become more opinionated lately. She is picky about what toys she will play with. She loves diamonds wedding ring and earrings are always getting targeted. She crawls backwards all over the room. She LOVES to eat puffs.

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