Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kindle Love

Jon got me one of my best birthday presents ever this past October. I thought it was cool at first, but now our relationship has deepened. When Abby was born and I had to wake up all the time to feed her I learned that kindle light was perfect for diaper changes and late night feedings. Then while Jon was gone for a few months I would read until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and put my kindle on Jon's pillow. The dog and my kindle were literally life savers (I'm a total chicken at night time! Especially when home alone!) The kindle meant I didn't have to get out of bed to turn the lights off when I was finally ready for sleep--I just had to turn on the power. I have done so much reading lately it's crazy! In the past 7 months (since Abby was born) I have read 23 books...not counting 2 that I read twice. I love my kindle so much!
Last night, after I got a grumpy baby to bed late, I had another Kindle moment I want to remember. I decided I would finish my chapter (which of course led to just finishing the whole book) so I climbed into bed. I must have woken Jon up just enough because he reached out and grabbed my hand. I have now learned that reading a chick flick type book while holding your husband's hand is one of the best feelings ever. In the course of my reading I came to a part where the girl is listing the qualities she values about the man she just realized she's in love with. I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my love then too! Our life is not perfectly written like a novel, but it is perfect in a real world way. So here are some of the things on my list I compiled last night (most inspired by Marianne in Edenbrooke) My husband is a flirt. He loves to pick, poke, wrestle, tease, pester,annoy,taunt, and laugh at me. His eyes light up while he does it, so you can't be mad even if you want to. He is a gentleman. Not so much in the 1816 definition, but in the modern sense. He opens doors for me sometimes, carries heavy stuff for me, gets everything up/down from the attic, takes out the trash, kills bugs, catches lizards, builds anything I tell him to, checks the entire house for me when I have a scary dream, does any chore I ask him to do, sacrifices for the good of his family, and most importantly he keeps himself clean morally. On top of all that he challenges me to be better, but still seems to let me get my way (I'd say 95% of the time). While holding his hand and comparing him to flawless fiction I decided I wouldn't ever want to trade him! Thanks kindle for helping me feel the fire!

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