Sunday, October 3, 2010

Super Saturday!

My Dad called me Friday morning to ask what Jon and I had planned for the weekend. "Just watching conference" I replied. He then asked "Well can we come visit you?" That is how this whole crazy, fun, fast weekend started. The plan was that my parents would come visit....they left their house friday evening....drove all night and got here at around 11 in the afternoon! They had a LONG drive for just a few short hours of time here. They were here all day Saturday and then took off this morning at 9:30. But it was great fun! I really enjoyed it! They brought me my birthday present (have I mentioned how much i LOVE LOVE LOVE October!?) and we had a blast.Kate and Grandpa laughing at Chance running around in the back yard.

Grandma and Kate playing with the bunny that was one of the 'reasons' for the long trip! She loves that funny bunny!

Grandma introduced Kate to her new favorite game....knocking over the blocks. Kate SCREAMS and laughs while you stack them back up and when she gets to knock them over. Easily amused little girl!

Silly Grandpa taking Kate for a walk with only one shoe!

Grandma making Kate make a funny face! Kate kept puckering her lips like that after mom would pinch her cheeks! Too funny!

Awww.... Kate just loves her Grandparents!

The trip was fast but really fun! I'm glad they came.

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