Thursday, May 6, 2010


So life around here has been busy with fixing up our house and getting it ready to move in. I haven't taken much time lately to take pictures of Kate, or to post. So here is a quick update. (mostly just pictures, cause I've just told you what we have been up to! We are THAT exciting... it only takes one sentance to get you up to date!) Kate has started eating baby food! Above is her first try. She's so funny. Now she does open her mouth when I get close with the spoon, so we are making progress!
She is such a happy baby, when she isn't crying/fussing! lol.
This is Kate on the floor at our new house. She hangs out while we work. Sadly, she doesn't stay happy long, and I usually end up carrying her around while I try to get wallpaper down. Not the easiest task...
This picture just makes me happy! My Aunt sent Kate this shirt, and she looks so cute in it! She does really love when people talk to her. Her favorite is when kids play with her, she squeals with laughter. She doesn't laugh that hard for just me!
And finally, she is getting close to growing out of her little car seat! My arms sure get a work out when I go out....She is not a light little girl! She is wearing lots of her 12 month clothes already! I would say she is mostly in 9 month sizes, but still, she's growing so fast! I wish she would slow down a bit, lots of her cute clothes don't fit anymore!

That is our life in a nutt shell. Hopefully soon I will have pictures to share of the house...right now it is kinda trashed!


Erin_C said...

congrats on your new house! thats exciting. and i can't believe kate is in 9-12 month clothes. i'm hoping carly will hurry up and grow out of her 6 month clothes so she can fit into all her summer clothes . . . and she is 9 months old. haha!

The Fishers said...

I wish I was there to help!!!! We just finished our modest attempt at landscaping. Most of the plants are surviving, however some are deader than doornails! And Kate is just as cute and squeezeable as ever!!!

The Tibbitts said...

What a cutie! I can't believe how she has grown. I know what you mean about wishing they would stay small so their cute clothes would fit longer-the life of having a cute, chunky, growing baby. Glad you guys are doing well. Congrats on your new house.

K. C. said...

Congrats on the new house! Wahoo! Jimmy is in 6-9 mo clothes now. I'm starting to think our babies are normal and the clothing industry is wrong. lol.