Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Say Cheese!

While my mom was here we decided to go get portraits done of Kate just for fun. Kate was really funny to watch! I thought she was going to eat up the attention, but really she was more interested in playing with the props. She actually hunched over every time the camera flashed. So the pictures didn't turn out quite as cute as I was hoping, but they are good nonetheless!

We got lots with her tongue out! I'm not sure why, but apparently its funny to stick your tongue out at people.
This one is just funny to me because she spent the time worrying about the flash. She kept looking up and hunching over when she wasn't looking because she knew it would come. It made some of her pictures look very unnatural.
This one is one of my current favorites because this is her new excited face. When I turn on her favorite movie she looks at me like this and says "ohhhh". Or when something funny happens, she makes this face. It is her go-to face for lots of things right now, and it cracks me up!

1 comment:

The Lunds said...

Ahh!! I love these what a cute little girl!