Monday, September 12, 2011

Chillin poolside

Of course we had to be outside and play in the pool while Grandma was here. My mom got SO lucky, while she was here the weather was PERFECT! The warmest it got was 95 I think. So we had lots of fun outside going on walks and drawing with chalk. Kate is such a show off for other people. She was such a ham for Grandma.

My little girly girl carries everything like a purse. Jon's comment to that is "YOU don't ever carry a purse, how does she even know to do that!?". It is so funny what she picks up these days!
Look Grandma, I can do it all by myself. Such a goofy girl!

1 comment:

The Lunds said...

AHH! So cute! I can't believe how much she's growing up and changing. She is such a big girl. So funny how she is with the purse. Miss J knows exactly how to wear jewelry and I'm do you even know that I don't wear jewelry. They pick up on things so fast!