Friday, March 11, 2016

ITALY--getting there

*So I decided to split Italy up into segments to make it easier to write about! Be warned-- these posts will be FULL of random pictures I took that I can't narrow down to just a few because I love them all. It's my blog and my memories, so get over it!*

So as I previously stated, Jon got released from the hospital at 6pm. We left New Jersey at 8pm to go drive his truck to the office and leave it there for when he got back. Then we drove 9 hours through the night to Ohio to meet my parents at the Columbus airport. We then jumped on a flight from Ohio to Houston.
Don't we look lovely after being in the car all night?

Then my dear friend Leslie picked us up from the Houston airport and let us crash at her place for a few short hours. Leslie always makes my heart happy--love her so!
 Then she dropped us off at the other airport in Houston to hop our next flight. We met up with our travel buddies and headed to Germany!

 After 9 hours to Germany and then a short flight to Venice, we got on a Vaporetto (water bus). That poor bus was just about the slowest form of transportation I've ever encountered, but at least it had pretty views of Venice!

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