Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Kate had her first swimming lesson yesterday! She really loved it! She started off a little shy (which is SO not like her, I was confused!) but after 5 minutes warmed up to her normal self. A boy in our ward who is a rocking swimmer teaches lessons in his backyard pool as a summer job. He is great with kids! Kate I believe has already developed quite the crush. She has been talking about him and his house ever since we left. She keeps saying, "See you tomorrow!". It is really fun to watch her little mind work out the new skills he is teaching her. Not to brag, but I think she is a natural! She throws caution to the wind and tries to impress her teacher. I'm already nervous about how she will handle the news that swimming lessons are over next week! But untill then we will enjoy going swimming every day!

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