Monday, October 10, 2011

Getting so big!

My daughter thinks she is SO big. She refuses to let you help her eat. But she is pretty good at doing it on her own! Even something tricky like yogurt.

She also is starting to repeat most everything you tell her! She loves to pick up these letter cookie cutters I have (why she must play with those when we have 2 other alphabet TOYS intended for her use I will never understand. I guess part of the fun is annoying mom!) and her favorite letters are R and D and E. She says R like a pirate, and I love it! This picture below is from the first time she attempted to say marshmallow. It sounded more like shmammmallooo. The best part is that she clearly thinks she has said the word correctly.
She has also started acting more like she is 2.....temper tantrums in public. Oh the joys of having a screaming child while trying to seat them in the cart at the grocery store. PLEASE tell me there are other people out there who have fought with their kids like this too! I feel like everyone at the store thinks I am a failure of a mom as they sneer at me and walk past. I promise, I am not raising a brat....its just a stage...RIGHT?!?!

In other news, our new plan for our future is to turn Kate into a pro golfer. Jon and I STINK at golf, but we figure if we start early she has a shot at scholarships! So far she pulls out her clubs and putts in the living room daily. She is pretty good--until she starts riding the clubs around like a broom.

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