Thursday, July 28, 2011

The View from where I sit:

This post is brought to you by my cell phone, capturing the normal, everyday view of my life. First you see the view from my throne. You know-the place where everyone should be alone. But if you are a mom-you might as well get over it. Note the mixer brought all the way from the kitchen. Mom thought Kate was busy enough in the kitchen cabinets to not notice her slip away to the bathroom. Mom is funny.

This picture is probably my favorite I'm posting. This is my view of Kate at our ward Pioneer Day celebration. She did NOT want her chicken broken up for her, she wanted the whole drumstick to herself! I don't know why she looks quite so angry...but it is fierce!Kate has recently decided that she is big enough to climb into her toy box. She also seems to have a bright future as a plumber.Then we have the sticky baby picture. I went to return our cable box (we are ditching cable to save some extra dough....but that is an entirely different post! How sad is it that I don't know what to do with myself without tv!) and the lady at the desk gave Kate a sucker. And since she is old enough to know what it is I couldn't take it away without a huge fight, so I caved and let her eat it in the car. This is the view from the drivers seat.This last picture doesn't exactly fit the "from where I sit" theme, but it is from where I stand at least 2 times a day. This is my view from the stove. Kate has learned how to get to the kitchen counters. The dog food is supposed to be on the counter to prevent Kate from eating it, but now where can it go?! My strange child seems to love the darn dog food!

Other than that our life around here has been pretty low key lately. We finally got an EEG done! I learned that my daughter should never get involved in drugs-- she turns crazy when 'under the influence'. But eventually the drugs knocked her out and we were able to do the EEG. We are still waiting on the results. Other than that we are getting excited for our vacation to Ohio next week!

I hope everyone else out there is enjoying the view from where they sit!


The Fishers said...

Love the views! She's so cute!

Tina said...

Ok, Zach pointed this out and I had to share..this comment about wanting to be alone in the bathroom comes from the gal who never shut the door when she went to the bathroom and loved to have someone come and talk while she was on the pot....interesting. Now you have a kid you want the

Mallory said...

oh, I love Ohio! We get to move back in a week! Next time you visit let me know :)