Thursday, May 26, 2011

Big Girl

My daughter thinks she is big, like way bigger than I'm willing to admit she is! I recently gave her one of my never used purses to play with, and she carries it around all the time.(I can't get rid of it because I bought it in London, but I never use now Kate plays with it!) Our DVD remote was missing for over a week, and it was found in her purse! She also LOVES to drink out of big girl cups. She stands at the fridge with her cup reaching for water. Luckily she is too short currently or I would be mopping daily!

Also, she has decided she loves to help me clean (ya know, likes to help me clean but never the messes she makes...the kitchen cabinets can be spewed around the house--but that stuff isn't fun to clean!) She loves 'helping' me move laundry and do dishes. Yesterday for the first time I let her help me Windex hand prints around the house. The top picture is blurry-- but i wanted to prove that she thought it was fun and not let anything think I was breaking any child labor laws (or do those laws not apply to your own children?? ;)

Poor girl thought she was being such a big helper, but really she made just as many hand prints as she 'cleaned'. But I let her do it anyway...I figure I should savor the times she enjoys helping me. I'll use these pictures as evidence when she is a teenager.

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