Thursday, January 27, 2011

Scariest day of my life

Yesterday will go down in history (my personal history that is) as the scariest day of my life. It started just fine. Kate had what we thought was just a stomach flu. First thing in the morning she had dirreha not fun but I can't complain now. She also threw up a few times. I started to think I should take her to the doctor just to be sure she was ok. After her afternoon nap things got interesting. She seemed happy enough, a little groggy maybe, but good. We ate a snack and then I decided I was going to go vaccume my bathroom. I sat Kate down about 3 steps away from the bathroom door with a toy so she would be happy. I started to get the vaccume ready. I glanced at her before I started and saw her on lying on her side. I thought she had just fallen over. It happens alot in our house. What made me look again was Chance. He was looking at her confused. So I took a step toward her to see if maybe she was playing with his toys or something. To my horror, she was frozen, that's the best I can describe it. Her eyes were locked and she wasn't breathing or moving. I immediately thought she must be chocking so I flipped her into my arms and started the heimlich, but nothing happened. So I checked her mouth and started again. By this time I was shouting a prayer to Heavenly Father that she would snap out of it and that I would know what to do. She still wasn't responding to the heimlich, so I decided my initial response must be wrong. I started to put her on her back to do CPR or something and she passed out in my arms. I have never felt so cold and scared. Her poor little body was limp and blue and I was the only person there who could do anything. I just about lost my mind. I knew I had to call 911. I started having an out of body experience. Sounds totally cheesy, but that's the best I can explain it. I scanned the room for my cell phone. Seriously, I remember thinking, I have it in my pocket 90% of the time and now when it could be life or death I don't know where I had it last. Thankfully Heavenly Father knew I was too insane to think about where I had left my phone, because He inspired my Sister in law to call me. I heard it in the living room and sprinted to the noise. I answered her call and started telling her in a not so in control way that Kate was unconsious and that I didn't know what I needed to do. She told me to calm down and that she would call 911 for me, and that she would call Jon. As soon as we hung up I called 911 anyway, I couldnt just wait in silence. I laid Kate on the floor and started to do chest compressions while I waited. I remembered my Advanced First Aid teacher in college being obsessed with us learning to talk to the victim before we started CPR. So in my ultra-calm-poised-CPRtrained way I started yelling at Kate. I kept telling her that she had to wake up, that she couldn't do this to me....and any other motherly threats that I don't remember. I continued talking to her as I started compressions. (all the while I was on the phone with the ambulance dispatcher. So picture me answering questions while still talking to me kid...I'm sure I sounded like a mad-woman. But let's face it-I was!) I only did a few compressions before she opened her eyes. Then she shut them and I got mad. lol--totally irrational but that's what happened! I yelled her name again and she opened her eyes and started crying. The ambulance dispatcher asked me if that was my baby crying, and when I said yes he told me that was a good sign. I then started to focus my efforts on keeping her awake. I got off the phone with 911 and started walking around the house with Kate. I was so frazzled but trying to think of things to keep her awake. That is when I realized that I didn't have a bra on. lol. TMI I know, but I hurried with Kate back to my room and threw one on before the ambulance got there. (by then Kate was alert so don't think I was being irrisponsible....I just didn't want to scare the paramedics!) So the ambulance pulls up, they check her out. No fever, no signs of anything wrong. They told me it was my choice what I wanted to do. I decided to just call the peditrician and get her in there. Luckily the doctor was able to get her in an hour later. At the doctor we found out that Kate has Rotavirus. One of the symptoms can be seziures when the baby's body temperature changes too quickly. But other than that, the symptoms are the same as any old flu. Sadly there is no cure, just like the flu. So we are supposed to give her motrin and tylenol around the clock to make sure she doesn't have another seziure and pump her with fluids. The doctor also told us to moniter her while she sleeps just in case. Yay. So last night was one of the worst nights sleeps I've ever had, but no more scares. Kate seems to be acting much better today. She is grumpy as ever though, I think because she had me up till 4 am and was up at 7am.

I am so grateful that this horid day didn't turn out any worse. I seriously thought I had lost her for about a minute. I don't know if I will ever fully recover from that scare. I told Jon last night, this made me not want any more kids. If they are going to scare me that bad I can't handle it! Heavenly Father was there with me. I owe Him everything.

I just want to thank everyone who has shown us their support. I recieved so many phone calls and texts and messages that it will take me a long time to respond to all of them! All the prayers on our behalf have been felt. I can't even type this without crying, but I am truly blessed. My daughter is apparently fine (we are still praying that is a totally true statement but after her priesthood blessing I felt comforted), and I have so many amazing people in my life that have been praying for her. Thanks again for everything.

Here's hoping something like this never happens again!


Casi Bludorn said...

Oh my gosh! How scary! I'm practically crying just reading that. I'm amazed that you knew what to do. She's lucky has has such a smart momma! Here's to hoping nothing that scary ever happens in your life again!

Mallory said...

WOW, SARAH! I was tearing up just imagining what you were going through! Glad everything is ok, and love ya!

The Fishers said...

Again, I'm so sorry!!! That is so terribly scary! I'm way impressed with how you handled the situation though. Do they not vaccinate against rotavirus in Texas?

Andrew | Susan | Grayer said...

Oh my heck that is so terrifying! I am so sorry that happened. SO glad that things are okay now though!!! Sarah, you are amazing for thinking and reacting so quickly!! Hope things stay well at the Walter home!

Erin_C said...

that is so scary! i got freaked out just reading it. i'm so so so glad that kate is ok. and i'm also impressed with how you handled it. way to go, mama!

The Lunds said...

I love that little girl!! Hope she keeps getting better. We can't wait to see her cute little face and yours too!

The Tibbitts said...

I think that would definitely qualify as the scariest moment of anyone's life. You had my heart racing just reading it. Kate is lucky to have such a good mom who knows what to do in critical moments.