Monday, January 17, 2011

My Old man and Little girl

This week has been a birthday week at the Walter house. I love birthdays! This week Jon turned OLD! He's 27! Can you believe how close to 30 we are getting?! I can't! For Jon's birthday he got a new calling in church (Elders Quorm President *Yikes!*) so he wanted some new suits for his birthday present. So one Saturday later he is the proud owner of 4 suits! (well he will be the owner when they are done being tailored......but someday soon I will have pictures to share of my sharp dressed man!) For his birthday party we just had family and friends over for pizza and cake. The gifts all went with his suit--new dress shoes, new belt and ties, dress socks, and dress shirts! Basically my man will be the hottest guy at church (not that I didn't already think that! I just mean the clothes!)

Blowin' out his candles. You know the Jeff Foxworthy jokes "you know your a redneck when..." Well I've started my own "You know your old when..." So one of those is, when the package of birthday candles doesn't contain enough for you! So Jon and I are both old now! (for those of you unaware....most packages have 24)

Kate crawling on the table to help Dad. It is so cute she calls him Dad now. She is getting so old too! Thanks to everyone for helping make Jon's birthday such a fun time! We are truly blessed to have such amazing friends and family.

The second 'birthday' we had was Kate's 13 month day. I can't believe she is officially 1, let alone on her way to being 2! So here are some quick milestones our little cutie has passed lately:
She walks everywhere. It is to the point that she doesnt like to sit on anyone's lap for long cause she wants to run free!
She speaks her own language. Her favorite thing to do is walk around the house with her toys and say "loyosyoquioqudoiqqi" while nodding her head up and down. She tells quite the story....too bad I have no idea what she is trying to say. I need to capture it on video sometime...its really funny!
She also LOVES to dance. Anytime music comes on at all she dances. Commercials, toys that play music, someone singing, the organ at church, you get the point.
She also will show you her muscles. It is too funny. She grits her teeth and holds her arms out in front of her. Fun fun!
And lastly, she blows kisses! Too cute! She loves to give people kisses and blow them to anyone who asks. Here is a picture of her blowing kisses.


The Lunds said...
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The Lunds said...
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The Lunds said...

OK so apparently I'm too stupid to post a simple comment on your blog! So now it looks like you have a million comments. I love all the new pictures! So cute. Orlan and I are getting old too...well mostly Orlan. I love that Kate is such a little fashionista! I need her to start dressing me...