Thursday, July 1, 2010

To nurse or not to nurse...

I've been worrying about this for awhile now:
I am still nursing Kate. I am very happy about that (I didn't think I'd last this long!). However, being a stay at home mom, I don't have to worry about the uncomfortable feeling you get when you nurse in public, until now. I am flying home to Ohio Saturday (YAY!!). But, the trip will cover 2-3 feeding times for Kate. I must admit, the closer the travel day comes, the more scared I am! I feel that I shouldn't have to be anxious about nursing my baby, I use a cover up! But people STARE at you like you are doing something dirty. I HATE the feeling I get when people watch me like that. Since I am feeling this uncomfortable with the situation, I am debating bringing formula and just giving her that instead (I can't carry on that much breast milk, the security won't allow it.) But that worries me too! I've never given her formula. What if she gets sick with it or something?! Would that make everything worse? So one part of me wants to just do my nursing thing and tell everyone who gives me weird looks to get over it, and the other wants to avoid all the stares and just use bottles (lol....I'm so clueless with those things since I haven't had to use them!).

What is a mom to do?! Im not only worried about her eating, I'm afraid to be the mom with a screaming baby on the plane! Anyone have any tips for flying with a 6 almost 7 month old?


The Fishers said...

Whatever you choose to do, I would give it a trial run before you actually leave home! Try a bottle and formula today or as soon as possible. Just the bottle itself could be tricky for her if she's never had one. Don't wait until the airport to introduce it to her. Also realize too that you're going to get REALLY uncomfortable by not releasing your breastmilk all day long. And, one last thing, I don't know that a day would do too much harm, but not nursing leads to reduced milk production, so if you want to continue until she's one or so don't let her stay away from the breast for too long. When I flew with Patrick, I just took some milk in a cooler and pumped in the bathroom at the airport. It was frustrating and annoying but it worked.

Lauren said...

Sarah, I'm still nursing Solomon too and plan to do so until at least 12 months. I've nursed in public quite a bit and definitely agree that its rather intimidating. I hated to do it at first. Just remember what is most important - feeding your baby. Forget the stares (I've gotten a couple). I don't have any tips for flying with her, but I vote keep nursing her and forget about whatever stares you may get.

Mallory said...

I have very strong opinions about this, and I'm going to say exactly what I think about it...please don't get offended!

DO NOT GIVE THAT SWEET LITTLE BABY FORMULA!!!! If you are still nursing, and you are proud of that fact, and there are no real reasons to stop (like health reasons) then DO NOT STOP NURSING!!!!!! Use a cover, if that makes you feel better. People are going to stare. The reason is because they don't see women breastfeeding in public very often. It isn't because they are being perverts, or because they think you are doing something nasty or gross....most of the time, they are just really curious, because they have never seen anything like it before!

Kate may not even take a bottle, if she hasn't had one that often before. Or she may refuse to eat the formula, because (frankly) it tastes disgusting in comparison to breast milk. And you will definitely feel engorged. You may end up wreaking havoc on your supply. And it may end with a frustrated and confused baby. A frustrated and confused mommy. And a premature weaning.

You seem to still really want to nurse. Don't let yourself give it up so easily. Nursing can be hard, but think about whether or not you will regret it later. If you think you will, then you really shouldn't go without nursing Kate.

I've nursed in public A LOT. At first, I was very uncomfortable and nervous about what other people thought. I would use a cover and try not to look at anyone around me. Now...after having nursed for 2 years, and understanding more about the breastfeeding relationship, and why people stare in public...I would be perfectly fine nursing with NO cover, and having a conversation with anyone while doing it! I wouldn't want to take away from my baby, just because I was worried about what the person next to me thought.

Also, nursing during take off and landing of the plane will help keep Kate calm, and help her ears to adjust to the pressure changes. Even if Kate does cry on the paid for your ticket, just like everybody else. And you are getting to your destination, just like everybody else. So what if a baby cries a bit!?

In the end, you are equipped to deal with Kate's hunger needs. Formula will likely stress both of you out! Also, often times, babies get sick when going on trips (especially on planes) because of the new bacteria that they come into contact with. Nursing Kate will help prevent this, because you will be exposed to, and make antibodies for any bacteria she may encounter.

There are so few reasons to give a baby formula. It would be a shame to feel pressured into it, just because you want to visit your family. You can keep breastfeeding! I believe in you!!