Monday, January 11, 2010

My new dew

So most of my life my hair has been long. But starting in HS, I grew my hair out and donated it to Locks of Love, who make wigs for cancer patients. I liked it so much, I've continued to grow my hair/donate it ever since. So my hair had been growing shown above. I decided that while I was home and has a baby sitter, I wanted to chop off my hair! I found that Pantene has a similar program that only needs 8 inches of hair for their wigs, so I went for it!

Here is the end result. My hair is shorter than it has been for years! I think I love it... but it (like almost everything in my life right now) is still sinking in. I guess I look more like a mom now!


Andrew | Susan | Grayer said...

CUTE HAIR, I love it!!! But I'm still mad at you for moving away!!! Andy called me while I was still in Idaho and told me that you had moved and I was so very sad!! I wish I could have met your adorable little Kate and been able to see you guys to say good bye!! But I'm glad we at least have our blogs to keep in touch!! Hope everything with the move went great and that things are settling in for you!! Good Luck!!

The Fishers said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super cute! How was the plane ride? How is the new home? How is Texas period?

Bill and Jennifer Hammond said...

I like your hair...I cut mine too, but I didn't have enough to donate. I just wanted a change! I hope you are liking Texas!!

Anonymous said...

You're so cute no matter how your hair is. But I do love the new dew.