Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So I don't really know what to title this post, or what theme there is to these pictures....I just wanted to share them with everyone! Mostly I am avoiding all the mass unpacking that lurks all around my apartment. This one is just a cute one of the two of us hanging out. she is getting so much more alert! I love it!
This picture shows just how long and curly her hair is when it is wet. When it is dry it is just wild! It makes me excited to see what it does when it is longer. And dont mind her giving you the finger in this shot... she doesnt know any better!

I just love her face in this picture! this is at the airport getting ready to head to TX.

And this one cause I love her little baby gap outfit for the plane! She is just too cute...everything looks good on her! And its crazy how much she has grown in just a month. Her newborn clothes are getting tight!

And this is my baby in her first snow! She slept the whole time we were outside... crazy girl! Even a wind chill of -4 can't wake her if she doesn't want to. I figured that I needed to document that she had seen snow since I'm told TX doesn't get much.
So there are just a few fun pics. I should go be productive now... these boxes aren't going to unpack themselves!


Anonymous said...

Aww! She is so precious, Sarah!! :)

Mallory said...

Very Cute. How much for her? :)

Heather said...

Okay so that first picture really does look a lot like one of Ashlyn's baby pics, especially the eyes and hair. Well Ashlyn's hair wasn't curly. Anyway, I LOVE the pictures and your haircut! New moms need some changes that don't include baby. I'm a fan! I can't wait to be there with y'all!