Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving and 37 weeks

For our last free holiday of our lives, Jon and I were able to run up to Ohio to relax with my family. It was a MUCH needed get away. We were both able to take a load off and just enjoy not feeling stressed. We ate tons of great food, and played lots of games. I just love being with my family! Im so thankful for them and all the love and support they always give us.
Im also so thankful for my hubby. He always works so hard to support our growing family. He is pretty much the best thing to ever happen to me.
Again I'm so thankful for awesome families. This picture is of my mom, cousin, and uncle just hanging around after eating. I cherish all the time I get to spend making memories with my family.

Jon is thankful for naps. lol. He got some much needed rest this holiday. Christmas won't be relaxing at all....with a few day old baby in the its a good thing Jon is sleeping while he can!

Finally, I am SO thankful that I am almost done being pregnant. This whole experience is one I will have to think long and hard about before repeating....I guess if Kate is really sweet it might make the decision a bit easier! But anyway, this is me at 37 weeks. Less than 20 days to go now...its the final countdown! I cant wait to get this kid out of me!


The Tibbitts said...

I can't believe you have less than three weeks to go; I am so excited for you! I am glad that you had a great, relaxing Thanksgiving.

Mallory said...

I didn't know you were related to the Lynch's! We are in the same ward, and I am Amy's visiting teacher!

Brandon and Bethany said...

HEY! I need your address!!

j. valerie said...

Your baby is so cute. :) Just dropping by. :)