Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Fun

I know that is isn't Halloween quite yet, but this weekend we carved pumpkins with our fun friends the Fishers. It was lots of fun! We stole Bri's cute idea to make a baby pumpkin too for Kate. So Jon and I made ourselves and baby Kate in the future (I am angry, Jon is nerdy, and Kate is cute but crying). Here we are hard at work. (Please ignore all the boxes, it is the furniture for Kate's room, she just doesn't have a room yet!)

For some reason Chance decided that he loves to eat pumpkin. He would run around the table from person to person trying to steal pieces of pumpkin or when someone left their chair, he would just jump up and lick the entire pumpkin. Something isn't right in his little brain!
Owen and Bri hard at work!
The finished product. The Fisher family

The Walter family

Thanks to the Fishers for letting us crash their pumpkin carving night! It was great to get our hands dirty. Plus, stabbing something with a knife is always good... no matter what is going on in your life!

PS: today is my big 23rd birthday! I cant believe how old that sounds! And tomorrow I get my new cell phone!! I cant wait! yay for birthdays!


The Lunds said...

How cute! Man Chance and that tongue - crazy dog! Happy early birthday!

The Tibbitts said...

Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween too!

Poderosas said...

Nossa, muito legal esse blog, a pena é que sou Brasileira, e não entendo muito o que está escrito, como vcs não devem estar entendendo nada do que escrevo..
Halloween não tem aqui no Brasil, mais é uma cultura muito legal de vocês, estarei sempre dando uma passada aqui para olhar as fotos..
I am from Brasil..
tentando aqui
se quizerem visitem o meu blog
