Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Baby Worries...

So today I went to the good ol' Doctor again. The appointment started off normal, sit in the waiting room reading parenting magazines, then my fav part, the urine sample (NOT!). shortly after that things actually got kinda scary. I was weighed, and lost 2 pounds this month! I am STILL under my pre-pregnancy weight and the doctor decided that she was worried. So she ordered an ultrasound right then and said she just wanted to be sure my baby was growing. She then explained that she would be more worried if I was having pain in my ribs on the right hand side... and of course I have. She then decided that since we dont know if it is baby pain or gallbladder problems she ordered lab tests to be run just in case. At this point I started to really stress...(as if I don't have enough on my mind right now!) The ultrasound however gave us some really good news. When the nurse showed the doctor the results, she turned to me with a confused look on her face and asked "how are you doing that?! your baby is in the 9Oth percentile and weighs over 4 pounds already." I told her my only theory was cheesburgers. lol.

So as long as the lab results come back with no bad news, I am apparently doing great at being pregnant. Somehow I am growing a big baby and not gaining any weight. If only I could stop throwing up.... I think I would rather have baby weight to lose after giving birth than be this miserable.

But on the plus side, I got to she Kate's cute face today, and again the nurse confirmed it was a girl. So hopefully with 3 ultrasounds all saying girl that is what she will be... cause I will have lots of pink and purple to return if she comes out a he!

Oh and someday soon I will post a picture of my belly. Sadly my camera won't turn on for some stupid reason, so I have to wait for Jon to bring his work camera home. But you can really tell I have a baby in there!


The Tibbitts said...

I am so glad that everything is alright with the baby. It stinks that you are still throwing up, but at least it doesn't seem to be affecting her. So have you decided on Kate as her name? I think that is so cute-I love it.

Heather said...

I'm happy to hear things are well with Kate. At least that's one less thing to stress over now. =) If we could just get your tummy to cooperate and quit getting sick you'd be having an AMAZING pregnancy, no weight gain and a healthy baby! I'm praying for you honey. I Love and Miss you to pieces!

The Fishers said...

I'm glad everything is ok!!! How scary!

Casi Bludorn said...

Kate is such a pretty name! I love it! And I'm glad to hear the baby is healthy, it would be better if you were healthy too though.

Unknown said...

LOVE the name! hang in there sister!