Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Finishing October

 My birthday was happening! Jon helped plan a surprise girls night at one of my friend's houses. He provided a cake, large enough to feed an army--and super adorable of him! I came home from my party to this sight--the girls had asked Jon to have a sleepover with them on the toy room floor, and of course he gave in! It was adorable seeing them all crashed out together! 
 We did lots of hair. (Ok that happens every month! But this time I documented some.) Jane had me 'invent' Panda Hair (As she calls it). And Kate experimented with mine. I really should have gone to beauty school-it would have come in handy with 4 daughters!

 Kate found her first go at Mac and Cheese tricky. It practically disintegrated! She is a pro a grilled cheese, and I have no doubt her next go at mac will be successful!

Then Jane- she is always keeping us laughing. After throwing trash in the can with no bag (a big no at our house) she had to get it out. But somehow watching her do it was hysterical. The can ended up on the ground and the crawled in. Goofy girl.

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