Monday, November 26, 2012

More Czuba Traditions

The Czuba family has another Thanksgiving tradition that we joined in on this year (and if I have my say this will continue!). The men take the kids camping the Friday after Thanksgiving to give the women a girls night. SUCH a great idea! Jon and Kate had a great time with the Czubas. Kate slept like a pro--opposed to the last time we took her camping. And I got to go shopping and have some down time with Abby and a good book.

The only bad thing about the trip was that when Kate got home we found a tick on her. Jon pulled it off, but the head got stuck. We then had to dig it out with a needle. But out brave girl just sat there and hardly even flinched. She is SUCH a tough kid. Seriously, Jon and I kept looking at each other saying with our eyes "man that one hurt" but she didn't seem too worried. She just kept repeating that she had an owie we had to fix so it wouldn't come back (how else do you explain tick bites to an almost 3 year old!?). We also did some singing of her favorite songs. I was so proud of my brave girl. The ironic thing about her toughness is that while a needle doesn't make her cry, telling her no will put her on the ground crying. Oh the adventures of a toddler!

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