Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So I just found out that Jon officially got a job!! How amazing is our life?! We were so stressed about being unemployed and it was only 1 month of stress and we get an amazing job offer! Just a testiment to how AMAZING my husband is! I know that we have been so blessed by our Heavenly Father. He has given us an amazing blessing. So if you ever want to visit Knoxville TN, look me up! Hopefully we will be there for awhile! thanks for all of the prayers and support. I am so blessed.


Mallory said...

That is so awesome! Congrats! That is so great to hear! And, yes. I would like to take a trip there. Expect me sometime within the year. Miss you!

Becca said...

Sarah that is so awesome. You will love Knoxville. That is where I grew up. Are you going to be right in Knoxville. If I were you I would live in a smaller town just outside.