Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020, Here we go!

 Kate slept in curlers for church one night, and goodness gracious her hair was stunning all long and curly!

 We spent most of January sick. Emily had a bad virus that was like RSV, but luckily avoided the hospital. Jane then got sick too, and all the sisters had a small run in with it.
 But one office visit--I stopped Emily from touching the electrical outlet, and she gave me the best stink face ever!
 I made a fool of myself at a YW activity. I told the girls-- it had been a long time since I'd left the tower.
 Jon officially turned 36! I can't believe we are getting this old!! Almost to 40! AH! We celebrated him as best we could with sick kids!
 Jane's artwork and handwriting are getting so good! She's learning fast!

 Emily trying to get Chance to give Woody a ride. I couldn't help but picture the scene from Toy Story where old Buster just lays down when Woody tries to get a ride somewhere.
Emily loves reading books at nap time--or does she love stalling as long as she can?

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