Saturday, April 9, 2016

Jane is 10 months old!

My little baby is 10 months old! One of my favorite things about her right now is she sleeps like a champ at night! She sleeps from 8pm to 9am. SO nice. And her hair is just as crazy as my older 2 girls, so fun! I love having babies with hair! And her beautiful eyes! She really is a cute cute baby! She is now catching up with her growth. She is in 9 month size clothes, so that is exciting for me! And do you see in the sleeping picture how her hands are clasped in front of her? That is her signature pose. Makes it hard to carry her around, but its funny. She also seems to have a love for Prince Philip, one night at story time she was repeatedly kissing him and ONLY him. Too fun. Also on her 10 month bday she got her first tooth!

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