Well we all knew this day would come eventually. I'd eventually have to turn 28. It is really depressing to me to see the numbers of my age click closer and closer to 30. I feel like I'm still young and hip--but then something like a birthday happens and I realize I'm OLD! My birthday was fantastic, despite my decrepit age. I went on a shopping spree for some new clothes--always fun right?! Then a group of our friends came to the temple with us. And Leslie was able to join us! I've missed her so much since she moved! We then went to Leslie's house and Ezra had decorated for my birthday. We had dinner together and just sat around talking. It was magical. I thought my birthday partying was over--but I was wrong!
Jon woke me up Sunday morning with these!!! I was so surprised! I didn't know I wanted them, but I assure you I have always wanted them! So sweet--he just picked them out because he said I deserved them and they looked like my style. Such a wise man!
THEN he also had a group of our friends over for cupcakes and ice cream. Such a great time. The best thing about birthdays is seeing and hearing from all the people you love most. I am truly one lucky lady, even if I am getting up there in years!