Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Every Day

 Things around here have been pretty much stagnate lately. Wake up, eat, play, maybe go to a store, eat lunch, naps, snack, play, dinner, bed. I'm kinda in a my-husband-is-still-gone-and-im-bored trance. But I'm working harder to find joy in the every day! One of my biggest joys this week was finding out that Josh Groban had a new CD out. I was no joke looking at the Target add during nap time and saw the CD release date was that day. As soon as the girls were up we were in the car on our way to pick it up! Oh how I love that man's voice....always have always will!

I also borrowed the Anne of Green Gables movies. I am telling myself I CAN'T re read them I'm watching it instead. It made me want to braid Kate's hair like little Anne. I don't know why but seeing her like that made me feel giddy and hopeful to see her grow up. I hope she is as imaginative and stubborn as Anne!
And Abby. That girl is growing faster and faster. She is really gaining control of her body. She will intentionally grab EVERYTHING! It catches me off guard sometimes. I forgot how fast they grow and develop. She loves her bouncer and will hang out in there for pretty good amounts of time (which is life saving these days!)

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