Saturday, April 11, 2009

My first (And most likely last) NASCAR experience

So, as a perk to working construction, Jon's building supplier gave us box seats to Bristol Motor Speedway for a race. Jon and I were interested to see what all the excitement was about! So, as instructed, we showed up to the race at 10am. We paid $40 to park in someone's driveway, and headed to the box. Once there, we realized we were the first people there. The race didnt start till 2 or something later like that ( I forget!) Jon and I played 'I spy' for a very long time to try and entertain ourselves. Finally the race started, but every time there was an accident, they drove slow for like 20 laps!!! I mean we understood why, but seriously we were at the racetrack for 9 hours by the time we left early. In a nutt shell, we werent too impressed. I think that if we had been with a group of friends it would have been more interesting, but the two of us couldnt keep eachother entertained for 9 hours! Here are some pictures of our experience. You can tell when we started to get bored... we took tons of funny pictures of us trying to look excited... I will give you the prettiest one!


Heather said...

Nice! What a fun day. We just spent a few hrs at church looking for Easter eggs, dying them, making crafts, and decorating our own Easter basket cupcakes. Very eventful. So I think you should TOTALLY come down! If you want you can stay with me and the girls. =) Ashlyn could really use a new toy or animal named Sarah. lol. If you go to the Temple I'd love to go with you, if you didn't mind company. My mom and one of my sisters both live down the street from the temple, so I'd be able to find a babysitter quite easily. I won't be hurt if you'd prefer to go alone. Anyway, have fun this weekend with your family!

Mallory said...

hahaha, This is funny. Note to self: watching cars go around and around and around is not THAT amazing.

The Lunds said...

Oh my these pictures make me smile!

The Borden Family said...

Sarah, it was great you came over today for 'death by chocolate'. I can't believe it went by so fast. I didn't even get to show you the house. I wasn't even thinking. oh well. Thanks for checking out my blog. I will be in touch. Have a good weekend visiting family.