Friday, March 29, 2019

Emily is 1!!!!!!!!

 This cute as a button baby is one! In some ways I can't believe she is one already, but in others it feels like she's been around forever! This little girl is driven, determined, observant, chaos, destruction, and sweet--but only when she wants to be. At one she is walking, screaming to express all emotions, smiley, and ornery. She will watch her sisters do something, then come behind them and try it. She doesn't believe she is one, she sees herself equal to any task her big sisters can do. Some of her favorite activities include splashing in any toilet, climbing the stairs when she finds the gate left open, eating, stealing toys someone is playing with and running away, and following Chance. We love you Emily.

As you can see she was a big fan of her cupcake. She was a little confused by everyone staring at her and singing, but as long as the yummy cupcake was part of it she got on board

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