Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January Recap

 This girl's curls at her temples defy gravity, and it cracks me up!!

 For Dad's birthday we got him some cheesy gifts, and showered him with love. He and I snuck out for a movie date to celebrate.

 This girl is a SUNBEAM now! She is just the cutest!
As always Chance stands at the ready under the kitchen table during meals. I seriously don't know how people have kids without a dog to help clean up after them!
 Jane is still working on potty training, and dressing herself. This was a pretty epic wedgie.
 And pink eye made a circuit through some of the kids. Always a fun one.
 These girls love using mealty beads to make crafts. So we made hearts for Valentine's Day.
 We got a trampoline second hand, so Jane likes to talk me into playing on it!

 This is how we feel about Mac and Cheese around here. It is serious. Its own food group.

 Taking a walk during Kate's piano lesson, and Jane was not a fan of her scooter.

 Meet Kid Rock and Axl Rose for rockstar day at school.
Chance likes to sit in the backyard and just meditate. He cracks me up.

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