Monday, May 5, 2014

Run Sarah, Run!

 Leslie has been trying to turn me into a runner, and so far it's working! We ran a mud run together on April 26th. It was a blast! We got quite muddy, and had some great laughs. I had a graceful fall flat on my back in one mud pit that was priceless. The mud was so great, it even pulled off the soles of my shoes!
 Then this weekend on the 3rd we ran a half marathon! And when I say ran...I mean jogged/walked. I was doing pretty good (keeping up a 14 min mile) till about mile 9. Then I hit a big ugly wall and got a cramp in my leg. I ended up walking the rest of the way. Sweet Leslie never gave up on me and believed in me every step of the way. She didn't leave me, and went as far as walking arm and arm with me for the last mile (which helped ease the pain of my limp!) The experience humbled me and reminded me just how important it is to surround yourself with selfless loving people who will literally be a shoulder to lean on in hard times. I am so blessed by those around me!

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