Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kate's Curious George Party

 This cute girl requested a Curious George birthday party. I'll be honest, I didn't feel inspired by the theme, but it turned out great in the long run!

 The decorating crew.

 I got canvasses for the kids to paint. Super simple entertainment, but everyone seemed to love it. And the weather was nice so the kids played outside for the rest of the party and that was all I had to do!

 Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Kate! Happy birthday to you!
 Abby was a huge fan of the cupcakes. She kept stealthily stealing unguarded cupcakes. I think I counted 3 she ate.
 And spoiled by presents! I'm excited--she got lots of Barbies! We will have to start having fun with them!
 And Daniel read a story at the tail end of the party that was great. I decided next year I will have to hire him to read a story for everyone, as he is quite entertaining!

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