Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sea World

The 17th we went with Jon's parents and sister Michelle and her kids to Sea World in San Antonio. It was super hot, but super fun! My girls really loved looking at all the animals and watching the shows. Although  I am trying not to hold it against him, Jon accidentally erased our pictures from the I have only the crappy ones I took on my phone. But first we went to the Orca show, and Kate really loved it. We got splashed, and she thought it was hysterical. Then we moved on to the beluga/porpoise show. Kate actually liked that one even more (I think because it had even more going on at one time). I think both kid's favorite activity was feeding the seals. Sadly, they don't let you feed dolphins without special appointments (which were sold out where we got there) but we got to still do the seals. Abby was so engrossed studying them while they waited below in the tank for their food to be dropped. So many cute pictures were taken--and lost, so picture it with me, Kate holding the nasty little fish out with a few seals barking below, Abby and Kate both peering intently down at the creatures below. It was really fun, and I will most likely make Jon take us back again, and second time we should get some pictures out of it! Here is what little proof I have of the event:

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